Becoming version 2.0!
Do you sometimes ask yourself things like:
- ‘Why does this keep happening to me?”
- ‘What’s wrong with me?”
- Or this one ‘I can never win? I am a loser?”
Maybe you work so hard in your career, and you constantly feel undervalued.
Or you keep trying to reach your health goals, only to fall back into old habits again…
You give it your all in your relationships with your nearest and dearest, and you feel disappointed over and over again…
Can you relate to this?
That means you are stuck in a pain story.
Perhaps friends have told you to try the Law of Attraction.
They suggest ‘master this, think positive thoughts and you will attract money and success like a magnet…’
What most people don’t realize is that almost everyone has their magnet flipped!
They end up repelling their hearts desire and attracting nothing but problems and more poor results.
If this sounds familiar, rest assured!
When you work with me, I apply simple ways to flip your internal magnet, so you DO become a MAGNET FOR TRUE LOVE, ABUNDANCE and CONFIDENCE.
It boils down to eliminating your negative deeply unconscious beliefs AND your murky energy blockages.
I say ‘murky’ not because they are ‘bad’, but because you have no clarity around it.
Often a money repelling energy blockage gets passed down the generations, from one person to the next.
A ‘troubled love’ pattern is often repetitive, meaning it didn’t start with you, you were born with it.
You simply inherited this patterns of always being unlucky in love.
The same goes for friendships (how many great friendships do you really have?), and success in your career path.
One of the things I LOVE about my work is how easy it is to find and release these energy blocks and limiting beliefs in my clients.
This is how the process works. Together we:
- Dive deep into your subconscious mind (which houses all the secrets to success)
- Shine a loving light on all your blind spots and limiting beliefs that are hiding in the corners
- Reprogram your nervous system for success and abundance
- Free up massive amounts of energy and creative juice so you can live your best life!
Unlike other teachers, coaches and healers in the world, my expertise in manifesting comes from 6 decades of blood, sweat and tears, and also from lots of laughter, intense love, deep connections, relentless soul searching, and spending 100000’s of dollars on my own personal revolution.
I grew up in a very strict (but loving) Secret Sect.
This left me with many scars on my soul and 1000’s of limiting ideas around career (a woman should be at home, and earn less than her husband), money (the root of all evil) and God.
I experienced God as a punishing God, leaving my nervous system in a constant state of fear, which proved itself right when I got hit by a truck in 2006.
At the time I was very divided about that near fatal accident.
The subservient part of me, saw it as my ‘just desserts’ for stepping out of bounds of the church.
I was highly successful in my business, and I also worked with energy, two big no no’s at the time, from the church perspective.
I should have been hiding behind the kitchen bench, looking after my 6 kids, and tending Peter’s needs.
Thankfully, the strong entrepreneurial part of me never gave up on my soul mission, which was to be a healer and a coach, and to relieve unnecessary suffering.
When the truck hit me, the impact was so shattering, I had a near death experience.
I understood then that God or the Universe wasn’t interested in suffering, or fake humility, or smallness.
The universe is a place of abundance, and the more audacious our dreams are, the more the Universe will reach out to help us.
When the Doctors told me I would never walk again, always be paralysed with a colostomy bag and catheter, confined to a wheelchair, never work again, and I would need continual reconstructive surgery, I decided to believe in miracles instead.
I bypassed the medical prognosis and plugged myself into the Universe, the source of infinite healing, wisdom and transformation.
I have been working with my body ever since and not against it.
I allow the Universe/God to guide me.
I trust it, even if it goes against popular opinions.
I have the BEST LIFE today!
My body is completely mobile, I have NO paralysis anywhere, my mind is at peace, I LOVE my work, my finances are healthy, and my heart is full.
Yes, I made many mistakes on the way. ( I wrote about my dark night of the soul in my upcoming second book)
I uncovered many sabotages to success and ‘love repellent’ patterns that hurt my marriage.
I had to completely turn myself inside out and upside down, to finally land on all fours and be successful in my own right, in alignment with the Universe.
I am constantly researching and applying the latest neuroscience research in how to get our bodies and brains on board quickly, so we can attract true love, prosperity, and confidence.
Pete, my children and grandkids (all 26 of us) reap the benefits from my hard work.
I am a much milder, saner, receptive, wiser and abundant version of myself.
I am Grada 2.0 now.
I would never go back to the old hamstrung version 1.0.
Today, my mission is to help you reach your goals, without the blood, sweat and tears.
There are easier, much more rewarding, and fun ways to turn yourself into version 2.0
I am here to show you the way.
I have put everything I learnt, in one package where you can receive one-on-one executive coaching with me, and we can address any area of your life.
Consider this an opportunity to free yourself from any fears of beliefs and energy blockages that could stop you from thriving!
I encourage you to take action now, I have limited spaces in my diary.
When you work with me, we can compact several lifetimes !
The energy will start to flow, and you will gain unshakable confidence as miracles begin to unfold.
Click here to listen to what Alex has to say …
Here’s to becoming your version 2.0 !!!
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