Unlock the Secrets to Earning Exceptional Income on Your Own Terms

It is time to re-write your money story so you can start living your BEST life!

Are you Ready to Tap Into your Money Making Superpowers?

Have you ever dreamt of having ‘magical’ powers, of having the ability to tap into your inner core and bringing out the smartest, richest, most badass version of yourself?

You are not alone!

Most people keep trying the same thing over and over, they work longer hours....put in more effort, do another degree at University....

You probably know what I am talking about.

Discover Your Feminine Fortune

Free E-Book

The thing is, You need to understand that it is yOU that attracts or repels money to YOU

Money isn’t something ‘out there’ to be acquired, something that you must ‘get’.

It is your beliefs, attitudes, thoughts, feelings, choices and decisions stemming from your Inner Core, that shape your experience with money.

When you change, so does your bank statement!

Making more money is more about who you are BEING, and less about what you are DOING.

You have been conditioned to think that making money is hard work, “no pain no gain”, that’s is all
strategy, and you have to ‘sell your soul’ to make AMAZING money.

I disagree.

Money in the hands of good people is what this planet needs, now more than ever!

Because the reality is that if all the money in the world was divided equally, every single human
walking the earth now would have between 1 to 10 million dollars.

That is how incredibly wealthy our planet is.

Is your net worth less than 1 million?

Then your nervous system, your financial thermostat is out of sync with the universe.

Come and work with me so you can experience a money revolution unlike anything you have seen

Introducing Grada


I'm  Grada

I am a success and money coach for heart centred, conscious and career driven women who are ready to uplevel professionally and financially.

Over the last 20 years I have worked as a personal and spiritual investigative healer, helping people over 20,000+ client consultations.

What I discovered over and over was that my clients ‘net worth’ was always a direct mirror of the frequency of their nervous system.

Nothing more, nothing less.

Learn How I Can Help You Reach Financial Freedom

Discover Your Feminine Fortune

8 weeks of live weekly mentoring via Zoom.

Succeeding today is harder than ever amid all the noise and pressures of the world. That's why you need to have the right support by your side to create a new, easier and more fulfilling way to get ahead. This Discover Your Feminine Fortune gives you the keys to unlock greater happiness, wealth and freedom.  Learn More...

One-on-One Coaching - Health and Wealth Breakthrough Package

My Health and Wealth Breakthrough package takes a deep dive into your primary health and money/energy blocks. Private coaching with me can provide you with the detailed strategies and personalized attention that are specific to you, your money, and your business. Learn More...

Money Mastery - Self-paced Online Course

I created this powerful money training because a whopping 30% of people are in a constant state of fight and flight about money.... and 8 out of 10 people have money stresses.
You might be different to most people, and not feel stressed about money at all.
Either way, this is not the kind of program that fixes just one area of your life. Learn More...

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I never before have felt so strongly about investing in me.

Hi Grada,

I wanted to give you an update on how I am.

I have been working harder than ever on myself, which is paying off incredibly. For your support and guidance I am truly grateful.

While the same challenges of each day exist, I am able to view them differently and not feel overwhelmed..

On the weekend my daughter (14yo) said to me “I don’t know what it is but I feel so much good energy in the house today”. It made my day. It is so true that the mother is central to the vibe of the family. Having tried for years to do what is ‘right’ for my family, I never before have felt so strongly about investing in me and watching the benefits unfold for all of us.

Kids do learn from what they see and feel, not just what they are told.

I’m not just trying to be positive, I’ve tried that before. I’m simply acknowledging whatever comes up and seeing it for what it is. I’m teaching my girls to do that too. I think they get it on a deep level, I am sure they feel it too.

I am also careful about how I speak about money.

Financial wellbeing is a big issue for my husband and I, as I’m sure it is for many families. It has always impacted our relationship negativity, with him feeling he carries the financial pressures largely alone. We are working together to address this and it’s paying dividends! It is amazing how when the action comes from a place of love not fear, how different the outcome. A work in progress, but we are heading in the right direction!

I could go on and on about the ‘coincidences’ I’ve observed and the awakening I feel. So many examples each day of how beautiful life is when you work to stay present.

One thing though, that I have not read about, but am really noticing is there seems to be more time.

More space, more time. Time feels slower and the days longer. My sleep is blissful. Most of the time there is a stillness and a calm over us all which I am thrilled to have. It is so wonderful that this benefit alone makes me want to continue on this path.

With an attitude of gratitude,



I have taken off the mask to reveal the authentic me. I now have a voice!

Before I met Grada for coaching I was feeling so tired, juggling a busy lifestyle, wearing many hats (i have a succesful business) and trying to always be a great support to my loved ones. My battery was flat, I had lost my “mojo”. I lacked self confidence and always doubted myself.

Grada's coaching helped me to open up my heart fully again. I learnt to love myself with all of my heart. I understand now how to love and accept all aspects of who I am – the light and also the dark. As confronting as this was, I worked through these emotions to release distorted childhood memory that I was still living as my reality in adult life now. Working with my inner child helped me greatly in healing and nurturing emotions I experienced as a child. By reflecting on my story, I could collate all the jigsaw pieces together to form the puzzle of my life.

I realised that I held onto so much sadness deep within me that had been there a very long time – possibly ingrained in my DNA. I also realized that my reality was in fact a reflection of everything within me – the positive and the negative.

I had been living inside my incessant monkey mind head bubble and learnt how to quickly move into my quieter core within myself. This has helped me cope much better with outside stresses of daily life – to remain in my own state of peace instead of trying to pull the monkey off everyone elses back. I now put myself first! A huge breakthrough and so empowering. I now express deep compassion not only for others but also for myself. My husband told me recently that I seem more assertive and he is delighted to witness a confidence and assertiveness. I have taken off the mask to reveal the authentic me. I now have a voice! Moving forward, I have sets my goals high and pave the way with shoulders held back, love in my heart and volume in my words

I have so very much enjoyed the company of other women – the sharing of experiences and stories which have resonated within my own heart. Lessons learnt from others. Grada is a wonderful teacher – her passion comes through – often revealing the raw truth of our emotion. The truth was confronting for me but cut through the barriers to deep healing. My purpose is totally clear now … to love and be loved – unconditionally. And guess what… I have my mojo back!!!

Louise T

Louise T

I reconnected with a soul friend and my relationship with Mum is better than I could have ever dreamed of!

Hi there Grada!

You were right, our last session was massive! It took a few weeks to re-adjust and simmer down, and now I’m experiencing lots of changes in my physical reality..

I’m moving this week (again lol) and I’ve started a new job, I went to my first acting audition and got an ensemble role, I’ve been doing breathwork every day and I’m loving it, I reconnected with a soul friend and my relationship with Mum is better than I could have ever dreamed of. I’m socialising more and connecting more deeply with the people around me, and my relationship with myself and my self love has elevated completely.

This year has been transformative beyond belief for me. I’ve been doing self-development/spiritual work for 6-7 years, but 2020 has shifted more than I thought possible. And I trace that back to our first session together back in March, where you shone a light on my soul for me to see myself clearly.

Thank you so much for helping me. You opened my heart to see the love I am worthy of. Thank you Grada. I am so grateful and blessed to have worked with you.

All the love, Dani xxxx


Money is starting to flow in and my new website is published and live!!!

Thankyou Grada for a wonderful session a couple of weeks ago.

I am now flowing with new vitality and unexpected joyfulness. The 2 mantras you gave me have been a source of power and comfort to me, aligning me with my own truth. Money is starting to flow in and my new website is published and live!!!

I could see and feel the surges of energy within me as you were doing the healing even before you said anything , but there was something special about hearing you talk me through the healing as it evolved- my body loved hearing this! You’re an incredible healer, and we are very fortunate to have you amongst us.

Thankyou again. Xxx Susan J

Susan J

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Sign up to the Newsletter and you'll gain weekly insights covering health, wealth and abundance mindset with Grada Robertson

Grada's Blog

Your Ticket to Self Empowerment

January 27, 2025

6 steps to clear money blocks …

January 6, 2025

8 surprising abundance blocks …

Have Questions? I'd  love to talk about what matters to you.
