Money Mastery - Self-Paced Online Coure
This Money Mastery program is packed with tools, practices and concepts that will give you the financial breakthroughs you have been looking for.
Once you start applying the contents of this online program,
And that is just the beginning.
People will start to remark how you are GLOWING with positive energy.
I have seen this time and time again with thousands of clients, who were able to step up their wealth and health.
I created the Money Mastery Series because I know what it feels like to be completely burned out, and I wanted to create a way to feel better FAST, physically, emotionally and financially.
I realised that effective chakra work is something that is overlooked in even the best of personal development trainings.
The shocking truth is that 99% of us, even those of us who are committed to regular inner work, don’t actually know the best way to connect into our chakras, let alone work with them to release our abundance blocks.
And this is exactly what Money Mastery through the Chakras does – it resets your entire mind, body and spirit and frees you from what’s holding you back.

You may be wondering if the Money Mastery is right for you.
YES, it’s perfect for you if….
What is Money Mastery?
What you get when you join the Money Mastery through the Chakras today:
- Instant access to the 7 modules (consisting of 10 part each)
- Introduction to the training by Grada
- Introduction into your chakras, containing a Chakra Financial Quiz
- Module 1: Base Chakra
- Module 2: Sacral Chakra
- Module 3: Solar Plexus Chakra
- Module 4: Heart Chakra
- Module 5: Throat Chakra
- Module 6: Third Eye Chakra
- Module 7: Crown Chakra
- A video demonstration by Grada
2. A list of chakra qualities
3. A full description of the chakra
4. A Powerful EFT exercise to remove blocked energy from that chakra
5. A guided meditation practice pertaining to that chakra
6. A chakra money awareness exercise to complete
7. Removing 10 disempowering beliefs that negatively affect that chakra
8. A journey into your money DNA
9. A case history to illustrate how a blocked chakra affects our lives
10. A powerful chakra exercise to inspire permanent change.
Plus a FREE bonus!
What You Can Expect from this Online Course
Depending on the state of your chakras, it may take a few days or weeks before you feel a change on a conscious level.
The truth is that energetic transformation is taking place, and the positive financial effects only get better and better, the longer you stick to the program.
As a bonus, you will find that this training will boost the results of any other personal growth practices you are doing:
Your meditations will be deeper
Your thinking will be clearer
Your goals become so much easier to achieve.
You feel more comfortable and confident.
You not only become a money magnet, you also become a people magnet, because you are peeling back the layers of blocked negative energy that were holding you back.
So, go ahead and start today!
I can’t wait for you to experience massive positive changes!

You are meant to be a wealthy woman...
It may sound extreme (and will probably trigger you), but for you to be the fullest expression of yourself and to be of the highest service in this world, you need to be wealthy.
Having money is not an act of selfishness or greed, money is simply a tool that amplifies who you already are. And I know you’re a good hearted woman, and so having more money will allow you to express more of the goodness that already resides inside you.
That’s why I’m so excited to offer you my signature Money Mastery Program - it will help you to create the financial foundation to amplify your impact and share more of your light with the world!

Get Instant Access to this knowledge and experience massive positive changes today! ORDER NOW
If you still have questions, drop me a line here.