After suffering a near fatal accident when a truck collided with my body in 2006; I went from feeling on top of the world, successful and in the prime of my life, to feeling completely broken.
I was completely broken.
I was as broken as you can get without dying.
Have you ever felt like that?
All the helplessness that I had experienced during my childhood came flooding back to me as I was lying on the hot tarmac, fighting for my life, waiting for the ambulance.
All my dreams had been shattered on impact.
Even worse, the stakes were higher than ever, because we had just pulled out another full mortgage and scraped together our last pennies to renovate a second property, to create a world class wellness facility.
My 6 kids depended on my earnings.
I could see my whole little empire I had created over a lifetime crumble the same as my spinal structure and pelvis had.
The first thing that saved my life was my love for Pete and the kids.
The second thing was a ‘vision’.
Yes, as I was carted into the ambulance, I could see myself as an author or coach or thought leader.
I immediately latched onto this overarching dream with every ounce of imagination.
It was bigger than all the misery I felt in my body.
I realised I still had my brain (even though it was concussed and injured) and I could feel my arms and hands (even though they felt as if I had a nest of ants running up and down inside them from nerve damage from a broken neck)
I wanted badly to rebuild my life there and then, but it was going to require a lot of miracles.
My Injuries included:
- Closed head injury,
- Broken neck
- Fifteen broken vertebrae,
- About 5 broken ribs,
- Shattered sacrum,
- Pelvis broken in ten places.
- Ruptured liver resulting in life threatening internal bleeding.
- Innumerable cuts, bruises & grazes
Two years later I read in my medical notes that I had broken my right leg as well, but at the time I never noticed it. (Perhaps the other pain had me distracted?)
I had three major operations to:
- Rebuild the right hip,
- Fit a colostomy bag, and
- Rebuild the sacrum and free up the spinal cord
I was told I might never walk again, as I was left without a sacrum, and that my bowel and bladder would never recover.
I would need to take painkillers for the rest of my life and was likely to become an opiate addict.
I rejected the medical prognosis and decided to believe in myself instead.
I made an incredible comeback.
I recovered enough to start seeing clients again after 6 months.
In that time, I also resumed doing most of the housework and being present for my kids.
I wanted so badly to be a strong person and not an invalid like my mum had been from age 45 to 74 (when she died).
I wanted to be a fun mum and potential grandma, not somebody who drained everyone’s energy with complaints and stories about their misfortune.
But, every time I made a comeback my body would rebel with excruciating pain.
I had many stints in different hospitals all around the world when I came to grief from overdoing it.
My bowels would stop working and my mind also went on a holiday for periods of time.
I had many good days too.
In fact, most of the time, I was doing well.
But usually, I had very little warning between feeling good and on top of the world, to free falling into a very black abyss of mental, physical, and spiritual suffering.
I finally managed to leave the quagmire behind for good after a lifesaving operation in January 2013. (7 years of torture in total)
All those years I knew that if I didn’t take charge of my thoughts, emotions and limiting beliefs, I would not only continue to suffer, but my suffering would eventually spill over onto my family.
So, I heavily researched everything I could get my hands on.
I studied incessantly.
I always used my body as my lab science.
The most insidious lie was the lie of not being enough.
Where did that come from?
The lies of not being good enough or never being enough come from a lot of places.
It is embedded in the collective consciousness.
It comes from our parents, religion, and society and it keeps us poor.
It was one thing to know that I had a huge problem of never feeling good enough, and another huge project to overcome it.
I mean, I could see my own pain reflected in everyone else too.
How many humans do you know who actually feel that they are enough?
Who have boundless energy, who bubble over with joy, who have lots of fun?
Not many I bet.
I started discovering different techniques that I could use to hack into my nervous system and stop the emotional abuse I was inflicting on myself.
I discovered ways to open the energy flow in my chakras.
I learnt how to cleanse my energy field from destructive energy and feel lighter instantly.
There were techniques for getting into flow/into joy, rather than stress and resistance
Techniques for relieving anxiety…
Techniques for overcoming fear…
I learnt how to become emotionally very resilient
I learnt how to become a money magnet and restore my bank account (we now have 4 beautiful properties in Tasmania and money in the bank)
I learnt how to experience deep peace, no matter what my circumstances were.
Today, I am so grateful for that dark and desperate times.
I have come out stronger, wiser, smarter and with the rare skill of being able to tune into other people’s energy blockages as easy as my own.
I am now able to help my clients achieve the same miracles that I enjoyed.
Do you need more money?
Let me remove the energy stoppers to money.
Relationship pain? Loneliness? Health scares? Scarcity? Sabotages?
When you work with me, they can be dissolved in no time.
You see, if you want to overcome any adversity, perform at your best, and get the success you want…
Then, you absolutely need to work with an expert who has been there and done that!
When you work with me, your energy blockages will be deleted across all time (so your offspring will benefit too) and across all space and realities so you experience peace, feel good enough and start brimming over with energy.
We will delete lack and poverty, that most people are caught up in.
We will delete sneaky punishment programs that hijack our nervous system.
We will dissolve the Never feeling Good enough and other lies.
You don’t need to control, manipulate or strive your way to the top!
You will become successful in your own right.
The practices you need to do for homework will help you stay in an expanded light-filled state, so that happiness, health, and success will become the new normal.
If this sounds like something you are interested in, or it looks like a way out of pain and frustration into financial freedom, I have two great options for you here.
1) The Feminine Principles to Making Money
Together with other heart centred women, we take a deep dive into our money limitations and blockages, so we can open the floodgates of abundance.
I have put the best of the best together in my signature program: The Feminine Principles to Making Money and we start on the 8th March.
Every Monday Morning, for 16 weeks, you will be part of a session facilitated by me.
I will share my unique insights, practices and eyeopeners related to money, and you will receive an energetic update in your nervous system, so you are able to receive more money than you are getting now.
There will be time for Q and A, and it will be interactive.
Click on the above link to read the letter of invitation.
Feel free to email me with your questions.
2) The Money Breakthrough Package
If you prefer to work with me privately, on a one-on-one basis, please click on this option.
I am so excited to help you reach new levels of abundance in 2021!
Looking forward to hearing from you soon,