Have you heard of the saying: feather, brick, truck?
The feather can mean a niggling feeling of unease, e.g. you need to end a bad relationship, or it can be a nudge to see a health specialist.
A featherlight message can be easily dismissed or ignored.
However, the Universe hasn’t forgotten about it, so now it needs to slap us around the ears with something bigger and scarier.
It might be like a brick hitting the window shattering it.
Now we are left with a mess.
And, if we still don’t listen, we might need a truck experience, like I did in 2006.
(If you want to read about my adventures you can read my trilogy series – You are the Miracle! How Being Hit by a Truck Saved My Life, The Underbelly, and Alchemy of Love)

The Universe also talks through our body, because our soul lives inside our body while we have our human experience on Earth.
Your soul doesn’t want you to miss the boat, or miss the purpose you signed up for.
So it’s always sending you messages, offering guidance to keep you on track but we rarely listen, because many of us are disconnected from our bodies.
We push through pain, ignore discomfort, and brush aside the small signs that something needs our attention.
But those symptoms—whether it’s a headache, tension in your neck, or fatigue—aren’t just random inconveniences, they have real meaning.
Let me give you a few examples:
- Ringing in the ears: You might brush this off as an annoying sound, but it could be a sign that your intuition is trying to get your attention.
Sometimes a loud ringing will happen in the middle of a conversation, and this means that you need to play back what you just heard because there is a hidden message for you.
Ringing in the ears can mean your psychic abilities are waking up, and you need to take time away from noise and distraction to hone your inner listening skills.
- Hair loss: Many people have been experiencing this since 2020, and it’s not just about physical stress.
Losing hair can be related to feelings of powerlessness or disconnect from the Universe.
Your hairs are like mini antennas, receiving guidance and energy from the Universe for you to absorb and work with.
(On a purely physical level, it means your gut microbiome is disturbed and you need to supplement with Immuno-Synbiotic to recover your good gut bacteria and your hair)
- Cold hands and feet: This physical symptom might relate to circulation, but on a deeper level, it’s often a sign of karmic shock.
You inherited unresolved shock and trauma from one of your ancestors or there are remnants of shock from one of your own past lives frozen in the tissues of your body.
These are just a few examples.
The truth is, that your body is always trying to guide you, helping you uncover the energy blocks that are standing in your way to a greater life.
Your body is like a roadmap, showing you exactly where to look for healing.
If we learn to listen, we can discover what’s going on beneath the surface and learn so much about ourselves.
- Lower back pain is often tied to financial stress or feelings of not being supported.
It may indicate you’re carrying too much responsibility or feeling unsafe in your financial situation.
- Neck and shoulder tension relates to current burdens and responsibilities.
When you feel weighed down by your life’s demands, your body reflects that tension.
- Headaches can signify a struggle for control.
Perhaps you’re trying to micromanage everything in your life so things don’t fall apart.
Even something like a broken tooth can symbolize an identity crisis.
- Teeth represent stability and self-expression, and a broken tooth might signal that you’re wrestling with who you are or how you present yourself to the world.
These symptoms aren’t random and when we ignore them, we miss an opportunity to address the root cause.
Have you been experiencing any physical symptoms lately?
Maybe it’s a stiff neck, lower back pain, or subtle signs like fatigue or cold hands and feet.
Now, ask yourself:
- What is my body trying to tell me?
- Are you feeling unsupported?
- Is there a situation where you feel powerless?
- Are you holding on to too much stress without giving yourself time to rest?
Your body is wise.
It holds the answers, and the path to healing begins with awareness.
When you feel pain or discomfort, instead of ignoring or resisting it, make it feel welcome for a change.
Ask yourself:
- What is this pain trying to tell me?
- If it had a voice, what would it be saying?
- What does it need from me right now?
- Is there an emotional / mental or ancestral pattern behind this physical symptom?
- Is it to do with a limiting belief?
- An old story about myself that I need to let go of?
For years, I’ve helped people just like you heal their physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual pain through energy medicine.
If you’ve been feeling stuck, overwhelmed, or disconnected from your body’s wisdom, or even ‘out of your body and can’t get back in” as some of my clients would say, I invite you to take the next step on your healing journey.
Let’s work together.
We’ll uncover the root cause of your pain, release the blocks that are holding you back, and tap into the force of miracles that’s already within you.
Booking your session is simple.
I am looking forward to working with you!
As a token of appreciation for you, I’ve created a guided meditation that will help you reconnect with your inner wisdom and begin listening to the messages of your body.
Please click on the video above to listen.
A Meditation to Connect With Your Inner Master
Take a moment now to settle into a quiet space, close your eyes, and allow yourself to be guided.
Close your eyes, take a deep breath in, and as you exhale, let yourself soften.
Let go of any tension in your body, releasing it with each breath.
There’s no rush, no pressure—just this moment of stillness.
We’re here to remember what the world often forgets.
You’re here to reconnect with something far deeper than anything the outside world can show you.
Within you, there’s a master—a wise, all-knowing part of you that is the real you.
And today, I want to introduce your mind to this inner master, so it can rest, so it can learn to serve something greater than itself.
Take another deep breath, and as you exhale, feel your mind starting to relax.
When the mind connects to this higher wisdom, it settles, and in that stillness, it opens up to the creative flow that is always moving through you.
Your mind has been trying to do things it wasn’t built to do, and that’s why it gets stressed, frustrated, and overwhelmed.
But you don’t have to carry that anymore.
In this moment, you’re letting go of that burden.
Breathe deeply now, and as you exhale, feel that weight lifting off you.
Feel yourself coming back to the Source—the energy that is always supporting you.
Breathe into that connection now.
You’re not alone in this journey.
There’s a bigger energy moving through you, guiding you, loving you.
As you breathe in again, allow yourself to reconnect with the reason you’re doing this work, your deeper intention.
Why are you here?
What’s calling you?
Maybe it’s to live your true purpose, to create abundance, or simply to reconnect with who you really are.
Just breathe into that intention.
And as you exhale, let it expand within you.
Now, let your mind drift to a vision of your greatest goal, your deepest desire.
It could be anything—a state of inner peace, financial freedom, a pain free healthy body, or a dream that’s close to your heart.
See it clearly.
Picture yourself in the moment when it’s already fulfilled.
- How do you feel?
- What are you doing?
- How does your life look now that it’s happened?
Breathe deeply, and let yourself feel the joy, the gratitude of that vision already being yours.
Breathe into that feeling, and as you exhale, let it expand through your chest.
Another deep breath, and feel it filling your whole body.
Let that feeling wash over you—give it a color, see it, feel it, let it grow.
You are radiating with this energy now.
Feel it radiating out from you, like the sun spreading warmth in all directions.
This is your energy, your light, and it touches everything and everyone in your life.
Let it move even further, beyond you, out into the world. You’re part of something so much bigger.
Now, gently place your hand on your heart and take another deep breath.
As you exhale, imagine this energy returning to you.
You’ve sent it out into the world, and now it’s cycling back to you, carrying with it all the love, support, and abundance you’ve shared.
Just feel it coming back, filling you up.
Breathe into that feeling of receiving. It’s already done.
You are already whole, already abundant.
As you take in this moment, you feel the energy of safety, security, love, acceptance, and protection deep inside every cell, atom, and space of your body.
It feels so good and natural.
Now feel your feet on the floor and the weight of your body on the chair.
Slowly bring your attention back behind your eyes, and open your eyes, while staying connected to this energy of peace and wholeness throughout your day.
With love,