May 16


Wellness Beyond Autoimmune … Zoe’s Story

By Grada Robertson

May 16, 2024

An Inside story

In our fast pace modern world, we are exposed to all kinds of toxins.

They are everywhere, in our cleaning and personal care products, in our foods, the air we breathe and the water we drink.

Then there is emotional toxicity, such as suppressed emotional trauma, stress, overwhelm and ‘stinking thinking’ (the continual barrage of negative messages we sent to ourselves)

Thankfully, our body is an incredible miracle, equipped with its own detox mechanisms to protect us.

But sometimes, even our own inbuild equipment fails, as was the case with Zoe.

Zoe came to me after 8 years of being locked inside her body, unable to communicate and suffering from severe constipation, causing tremendous daily trauma.

Before I share this story, I want to remind you that auto immune disorders are on the rise.

1 in 10 people has a form of auto immune disease, ranging from autism, ADHD, to irritable bowel, asthma, eczema, depression and anxiety, Graves disease, Celiacs and so on.

In today’s video I read you the moving story of how Zoe got here life back.

It was written by her mum and I shared it in my bestselling book: Alchemy of Love.

Here is Zoe’s story

“July 2007 brought us our beautiful baby girl, a perfect eight-pound, twelve ounce bundle of joy.

She hit all the normal baby milestones and developed quite a little vocabulary (as had her elder brother and sister at the same ages).

She rolled over, made eye contact, always had a great appetite and was toilet trained at twelve months without missing a beat.

Her vaccinations at about twenty months turned our world upside down.

Our once bubbly, happy baby girl changed overnight—she lost all her words, was no longer toilet trained and from that moment on, would constantly smash her head into the concrete.

A diagnosis of autism came at age three.

It was hard to grasp.

Where had my baby gone?

Well, she is BACK! Just over a year ago, a friend told me about Grada at the Purple House.

My friend knew I was at my wits’ end as my daughter was doing a pooh only once a month.

Doctors, pharmacists, and even a specialist in the field of children and autism, told me to use laxatives and gave me no support.

When we got the diagnosis, I was told the same thing over and over, ‘Don’t expect your child to do this …’ and, ‘Don’t expect your child to do that.’

The connection between Grada and my daughter was instant.

‘We can reverse this damage. She will go home and do a pooh today,’ Grada said.

‘Yeah, right,’ I was thinking…

LOL, my daughter did do a pooh that evening!

My child also never shuts up now, and at her last spelling test she got 298 out of 300!

She also got an award for reading, yes reading the most books in her primary school—388—an awesome effort!

She loves her hand and foot massages.

This is when she couldn’t stand me touching her arm before!

No more clouded eyes for us. I can only see clarity in her eyes now.

No more constipation. Instead, we have a genius.

Her coordination, schoolwork and skill in social situations have left us blown out of the water.

No more three-word sentences—now we get full sentences.

She can tell us things now that we thought we’d never hear because she used to be nonverbal, and we used to only ever be able to communicate with our eyes.

Sometimes I did read her wrong, and that would result in a meltdown lasting no less than an hour at best.

Now meltdowns are a thing of the past.

Can you imagine—no more meltdowns!

I find myself chuckling about those moments, as maybe some magnesium and zinc might have helped me cope too!

I now have a child who tells me, ‘I love you, Mum!’

Isn’t that what all mums need?

 It took a long time waiting but is awesome to hear and something I took completely for granted with my other two.

And not just words, but these words are also backed up by actions.

Now she hugs me, and hugs me tight, and kisses me on the lips.

EIGHT YEARS I have waited for this.

I am forever indebted and truly grateful.

THANK YOU isn’t enough!

Cherie and Zoe

Since working with Zoe, I have helped hundreds of  children overcome allergies, ‘bad behaviours’, skin rashes, and other serious challenges.

Today, children’s immune systems are breaking down at an alarming rate, and it’s not only due to the constant barrage of toxic foods and products, our children also have to process ancestral trauma energies that we ourselves refuse to process.

I often find that children are dealing with their grandparents unresolved issues.

Unresolved ancestral trauma energies keep coming back up as the energy of trouble (think: illness, family feuds, scarcity, losses) and our babies have to deal with it because the Universe wants to clear it once and for all.

Thankfully there is relief in the form of energy medicine, or investigative healing which is my specialty do please book in for an appointment if you relate to any of the above.

The other things you can do for yourself is clean up your diet.

  • Only drink purified water.
  • Avoid gluten and fructose. (These two terrorize your immune system till there is nothing left in the bank of Cope.)
  • Have zero seed oils, banish them from your diet. (Seed oils are incredibly toxic to the body, and it takes years for your body to dissolve them from your cell membranes.)
  • Only eat butter, cream, meat fats or coconut oil for fats. (Your child needs lots of good fats!)
  • Book yourself or your child in for regular sessions with me. (Once your child has had its first session, it usually doesn’t take much time to regulate his or her immune system, so I am often able to see the parent and a few children combined in one session, and everyone gets a tune up.)

This is also easily done over the phone, so you don’t even need to travel to get the full benefits.

I am looking forward to helping you live the best life!

And if you are keen to get the ‘inside scoop” get my book ‘Alchemy of Love’ for more information on your immune system, recipes, and how I coped with my life as a mum of six kids, while running a successful business.

With love,

To learn more about the water we are using in our home and at the Purple House clinic – scan the code below, click the link or send us a message ..

Grada Robertson

About the author

Grada Robertson is the author of ‘You Are The Miracle! How Being Hit By A Truck Saved My Life’ which has inspired many women to step into their personal power.
Grada loves working with conscious, creative female entrepreneurs who want to make great money on their terms.
"My core purpose is to accelerate spiritual awareness and raise global consciousness."

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