Pete and Grada’s Christmas message!
Have you heard of the expression: It takes a village….
- It takes a village to raise a child….
- It takes a village to bring out trust, hope, inspiration and transformation.
- It takes a village of supporting souls to survive uncertain times, and to recover from tragedies.
Humans are wired for connection.
We don’t do so well in isolation.
We do better when we are part of an ‘energetic soup’ that matches our frequency.
Where we have a sense of belonging.
Together, we are better equipped to stay anchored and grounded during the current mental and emotional storms, where we are tested to the limit.
Let’s face it, covid is the least of our worries.
You can almost hear the silent screams from the mental health epidemic, as more people today die by suicide today than from natural disasters or armed conflicts combined.
And divorce rates are skyrocketing at unprecedented rates.
You can say that we are floundering in unchartered territory; we are living in the wildest ride that we in recent history have lived through as a global village.
And if this isn’t hard enough…..…the unthinkable happened last week.
Calamity struck a Devonport primary school and six local children fell to their death, leaving three children severely injured.
All of Tasmania remains in shock.
Strange enough, it’s times like this that humanity shows up at its best.
People are coming together as one big family, united in grief.
It’s as if we abruptly come to our senses.
We suddenly remember that underneath our differences, we are made of the same human fabric.
We are reminded that life is short, and we want to keep our loved ones closer than ever before.
We are prompted to treat each day as if it’s our last and cherish every minute of it.
Disasters bring everything into perspective.
For a while, we don’t worry about trivia, like paying the bills, or who to invite over for Christmas, or who to avoid over the holidays.
But then, we begin to feel the aftershocks.
- How can we ever feel at ease again?
- Where can we find peace?
- How do we move into grace?
- How can I ever trust in Life again?
These are some questions I want to help you with.
I had my Christmas letter all written, but after the tragedy from last week, I thought it would be more relevant to help you find peace amidst all the heartbreak, the stress, the changing mandates, anxiety, depression, the fears and the craziness of today.
Because soon, you will be thrown into Christmas and New Year, and you will be expected to get on with everyone with a ‘smile on your dial’, whether you feel like it or not.
Families and old friends often bring up old resentments and hurts, and trigger unaddressed trauma buried inside our tissues.
And now we have to deal with fresh trauma on top of old hurts.
Scientists discovered that when a catastrophic event happens, and strong emotions are present, your consciousness splits in two.
One part goes back to taking care of the family, paying the bills, and buying the groceries, and the other part stays trapped inside your nervous system, operating as if the trauma is still occurring.
Your subconscious mind doesn’t realise the traumatic event is over.
You are now living in survival mode, in a heightened state of awareness, hypervigilant.
Because your subconscious mind (which is also your immune system) believes the traumatic experience is still occurring.
To put it a different way: trauma causes a blockage in the communication between the cells.
It shuts it down.
And then your chemistry shuts down too.
It is hard to stay healthy, have energy and be happy when you are stuck in survival mode.
So please go ahead and listen to a guided meditation that will help you relax and feel supported.
In this meditation, I will take you into a journey in your inside your body, to allow more space and light in, so your cells can shed old awareness of pain and trauma and enter a place of love and understanding.
Every day, trillions of new cells are born inside your body, and unless we delete the traumatic cell memories from your old cells, they will jump to the new cells, and you will continue the cycle of fear and pain.
So click on the guided meditation below, and welcome in a feeling of peace and calm.
As you listen, you remember that there is an island inside of you, that remains unharmed by all the emotions that life stirs up.
Emotions come and go, but there is a place inside of you that remains peaceful.
There is infinite intelligence there.
I know this is a longer blog, but I wanted to bring this message of peace and show you where you can find it for yourself.
You won’t find it in the circumstances of life right now, with the wildness of what we are experiencing right now.
But you will find it inside your heart of hearts because it is your own self.
Peace is your true nature.
You are the essence of love.
Nobody can ever take that away from you.
If you stay connected to this place you can be at ease and experience the stillness that is always there, waiting for you, underneath the current dramas and emotions.
I welcome you to deepen your love of true self and of truth, because this is the path of freedom.

Friendly Reminders
Join Caleb Robertson’s Masterclass on Fearless Food Fermentation on the 30th January 2022; for more information OR to secure your spot for you and a friend click here.
A Christmas gift voucher is an ideal way to spoil your friends and family. Purple House Gift Vouchers are available – call 03 64283007, OR click here to purchase.
“You Are The Miracle, how being hit by a truck saved my life” by Grada Robertson and “The Red Coat” by Peter Robertson are on special for Christmas. Buy both books for $25 (RRP is $39.95 and $19.95 respectively)
We will be closed for the Christmas break from Friday 24 December 2021 and will re-open on Tuesday, 04 January 2022 at 9 AM; HOWEVER, online orders will still be processed and shipped during this time.
Pete and I wish you the most peaceful and joyous Christmas.
Thank you for being in our community, and for your loyalty and support this year.
May 2022 be a year of fulfilment, joy, and deep peace within yourself.
All our love,