Did you know that unresolved trauma blocks you from getting the life you want?
The more suppressed trauma you carry in your body, the more shame, anger, resentment, fear, stress, overwhelm you feel.
Eventually, this trauma energy creates the perfect storm.
It will show up as a major health or nervous breakdown, a business failure, an accident or personal heartbreak.
Now, it is good to remember that everything happens FOR you.
Life doesn’t happen TO you and the more trauma energy you release, the more of YOU, you get to enjoy.
Trauma energy is foreign energy taking up space inside your body, and creates friction, like a splinter in your finger.
Your body will create inflammation to expel the splinter, if you don’t pull it out with a tweezer.
Eventually the infection will burst, and the splinter pops out (along with a whole lot of messy stuff).
My mission has always been to delete and dissolve as much trauma as possible for my clients.
But people often don’t come to me saying: Hey, I have unresolved childhood trauma and I need you to clear it!
No, they usually seek help because they have an addictive pattern, their spouse is about to divorce them, they have a serious health challenge, or their stress and overwhelm is getting out of control.
Perhaps their normal coping mechanisms don’t work anymore and now they are ready for something else.
When I ask them about childhood trauma they often go into denial.
They say: That’s not me. OR: Why would I go back to that? I want to move forward.
I am constantly amazed by how many people claim have had happy, safe and secure childhoods, only to discover during a session that this was far from the case.
Humans have an amazing capacity to bury stuff and get on with their lives, telling themselves a story that I had a wonderful childhood.
I can relate to this.
When I was 40, I visited a kinesiologist in Hobart who had worked wonders for Tom, our youngest child who struggled with dyslexia.
I had hit rock bottom.
Pete and I were cracking up under the strain of raising 6 teenagers/young adults with Pete doing shiftwork and me managing side hustles while we were building the clinic.
At night I suffered from panic attacks and nightmares.
Once Maxine (the therapist’s name) got me settled and relaxed in her room, she informed me: You were physically, emotionally and spiritually abused as a child, were you sexually abused as well?
I remember opening my eyes in shock saying, Not me!
My childhood couldn’t have been better!
Unperturbed, Maxine continued her session.
She knew what she knew, because she had set up direct communication with my body, the way I do with my clients today and the body can’t lie.
If only I had listened to that message and found a trauma therapist to closer to home to work with consistently, I wouldn’t have needed a truck accident.
At age 43, I got struck down by a truck, driven by a Dutch person (who resembled somebody from my childhood), who showed no remorse.
During my recovery period I began writing down memories from my childhood, things that hadn’t added up and I started to connect the dots.
(Eventually I wrote three books, which turned into Amazon bestsellers. People from all over the world have written to thank me, because they relate to my stories. Click here to order your copy ….)
The body keeps the score and wants to settle it, but the mind hides the score by keeping us distracted with our busy lifestyles and obligations, sweeping everything under the rug.
So, if you think that you don’t have any trauma in your body, think again.
- In the U.S about 1 in 3 couples engages in domestic violence
- 1 in 5 humans has been sexually abused
- 70% of adults in the US have experienced a traumatic event at least once in their life.
We can assume that these statistics are similar in Australia.
It usually takes a crisis before we seek help, and my client Lisa was no different.
Lisa came to me with tension headaches and a lot of self-loathing.
I noticed her face lit up when she talked about her work, how she loved caring for her patients (she was a dedicated nurse) but she looked sad when she talked about her colleagues.
They often clashed.
Lisa didn’t suffer fools gladly, that was easy to see.
She was very exacting, with high standards.
Her love for perfection had taken its toll on her nervous system.
Her constant criticism towards her spouse had become intolerable for both, and loving touch had gone out the window many years ago.
Lisa’s wish for her session with me was to get rid of her tension headaches and to develop self-love.
As soon as I scanned Lisa’s energetic body, I noticed she had many stubborn energy blocks around her heart and solar plexus.
As I cleared the trauma energy, a memory came up for Lisa, when she was about 4 years old, waiting at the door to meet her father on his return home.
However, on this day, she didn’t get a hug.
Her father slapped around the face because she had been ‘naughty’ and annoyed her mother during the day.
Lisa became visibly distressed as the memory surfaced, but quickly composed herself and explained to me that her dad wasn’t at fault.
He couldn’t have done any better, being a Vietnam war veteran.
I agreed with her, and then got her to return her attention to the 4-year-old to witness her inner child’s humiliation, terror, and confusion.
As we paid attention to her solar plexus, her body began to relax.
Lisa started to feel very heavy.
(This signals that the adrenals are calming down. Instead of the fight and flight hormones, feel good hormones are now flooding the system).
Lisa had stopped defending her father and was crying softly.
In a flash, she realized that the 4-year-old had become her protector, always keeping her safe, by criticizing everything and everyone, except for her patients at work.
Her striving for perfection came from her belief that if you are perfect, nobody will criticise or hurt you.
Together we thanked her inner critic and asked it to relax even more, while I sent it healing energy at the same time.
After a few seconds, Lisa’s breathing became slower and deeper.
She felt a surge of warmth and tingles flow through her body, which signified a complete release of toxic trauma energy from that emotional accident at age 4.
The following week she was back.
She informed me that her neck pain and tension headaches were much better, but she had been feeling a bit unhinged.
This time when the healing energy began to flow, she had a memory of being alone in her bedroom as an infant, feeling terrified and abandoned, but too scared to scream out.
The trauma energy had taken root inside her throat, making her feel constricted and unable to speak up for herself in a healthy way.
Tuning in, I suggested to Lisa to tell her infant self that she was sorry for abandoning her, and that she understood how terrifying the experience had been for her as a baby, and that she was loved, cherished and safe now and that she would always keep her close.
During consequent sessions we made sure that Lisa’s wounded parts were taken care of, and as a result, her exacting standards began to relax and she started to repair her relationships.
Her tension neck and headaches disappeared completely.
Remember that Lisa hadn’t come to me to help her dissolve childhood traumas.
She had been frustrated and stressed out that nobody had understood her, and life was too hard, with her headaches and colleagues who didn’t live up to her expectations.
Once she began to heal the issues in her tissues, she stopped blaming others.
Today, she enjoys healthy friendships and knows how to receive love and connection.
The more traumas you resolve, the younger, healthier, more loving you become.
Less trauma energy means MORE OF YOU.
Are you ready to embark on this journey towards a healthier, more fulfilled you?
Book a session with me or explore my 8-week success program.

I offer a vast toolbox of methods and possess a highly developed intuitive skillset to gently uncover and heal traumas, requiring no verbal exchange if you prefer.
Healing touch is another powerful tool in my practice, helping restore neural pathways and eradicate ingrained patterns of shame and suffering.
Like resetting an iPhone to factory settings, this approach can rejuvenate your body and mind, enhancing flexibility and changing your outlook on life.
As you heal, your circumstances will realign to support the new, radiant you, attracting positivity and prosperity effortlessly.
If you’re ready to release these layers and rediscover your true self, I’m here to guide and support you every step of the way.
Things to remember from this email:
- Trauma doesn’t equal weakness
- What you resist persists.
- Whatever you sweep under the rug, comes back to bite you, when you least expect it.
- Trauma causes you to disconnect from you.
- It doesn’t take huge trauma to lose yourself. If your parent screams at you, ignores you, comes home drunk, or emotionally neglects you as a child, you will abandon a part of yourself, which now becomes lost to you.
- Unless you actively search out those parts and re-integrate them into yourself you will always be leaking energy and your problems will persist.
- Trauma healing requires you to do a U-turn and this requires safe guidance.
With love,