Ever caught yourself replying with ‘I am fine!”
Did you know that these 3 words are the most dangerous words in the universe?
Do you want to know why?
Because they stop you from growing into the best version of yourself.
“I am fine” is a powerful success blocker.
If “I am fine” is your habitual answer, you are not dreaming big enough.
And, without pursuing a big enough dream, you are at risk of missing out on life.
When was the last time you had a dream that injected you with energy and inspiration?
I know, it’s probably been a while.
A NASA study about our creative potential showed that of 1,600 4- and 5-year-olds, 98 percent scored at “creative genius” level.
Five years later, only 30 percent of the same group of children scored at the same level, and again, five years later, only 12 percent.
When the same test was administered to adults, it was found that only two percent scored at this genius level.
Apparently our education squashes our genius.
Our ability to think big happy dreams goes out the window.
But thankfully, the 5 year old genius inside you never dies.
So, how can you stop being fine and start feeling fantastical?
Lets have a look at the why, what, and how in this article.
First of all, dreaming big, or visualising your BEST-CASE SCENARIO is not comfortable.
- It makes you different and being different is risky.
- You are open to rejection, humiliation, and ridicule.
- The thought of speaking up and being different or showing up different can be scarier than the thought of dying.
But, here’s the thing: unless you feel uncomfortable, you aren’t growing.
And, if you aren’t growing, you are shrinking (=dying)
In this universe of ours there is no such thing as standing still.
Growth and evolution are a soul need.
Our body needs air and water, and our soul needs growth to stay alive.
So, here is what I recommend: create a dream that is bigger than you.
A dream that gets your juices flowing, that inspires you and ignites something in those around you, a dream that carries you over hurdles and through sticky situations.
A dream that heals you and heals the world.
Stop being fine and start feeling uncomfortable.
Stop acting the same way you have always done, like your parents before you and your ancestors before them and dig up some of your old dreams that you used to have as a child.
Or conjure up a completely new one!
Now, I can tell you that this isn’t going to be easy.
As you start to wake up a dream life, you suddenly become aware of a push-pull energy inside your being.
This is where the discomfort comes from.
You want to move in one direction, only to find that life takes you into another direction.
Part of you wants to earn more money and uplevel your career, and another part of you wants to slow down, and retire on a pension today.
Part of you wants to get fit, slim and sexy, and as soon as you make that choice, another rogue part of you wakes up, devours a box of chocolates downed by a bottle of red in front of Netflix.
You stay up late so that you oversleep and ruin your chance of growing a super bod the next day.
Many of us have some random parts that cause us to act in-congruently at the most inappropriate times.
Most of us have fractured personalities.
Some of us have it more together than others, but after doing over 20000 one-on-one consultations, I haven’t met one human being yet that didn’t have a splintered personality.
A fragmented personality is often conflicted because parts of the self are at odds with the other.
True Healing is a return to wholeness, back to our natural state of genius.
The hard way is doing it on your own, the slow way.
Going through the school of hard knocks.
That is how you will learn ‘life lessons’ and if you are lucky you won’t end up more splintered than before.
If you are lucky you have 40 years up your sleeve.
Why is healing so hard?
The reason is that only some parts of you want to become whole or healthy.
The responsible, caring and compassionate parts of yourself.
There are other parts, that might be equally as powerful or established, that want to remain splintered off from yourself.
They are comfortable there.
They get satisfaction from sabotaging your health and happiness.
I often call these parts your shadow parts, because they live in the shadows.
You don’t see them.
They are your blind spots.
Now, if you are smart (and you are!) find somebody who can help you navigate your way out of the wilderness, a mentor who can guide you safely home.
A person who has done the hard yards and who can show you shortcuts to health, happiness and success.
A person who can point out your blind spots and ease your growing pains.
- There are parts of you that want to be released.
- There are parts of you that want to be cultivated.
- There are parts of you that need to be challenged, so you can live your dream.
You can’t do it on your own.
When we meet, I hear your story, AND I also hear your soul, and read your body.
Each version of you has its own wisdom, and when we re-connect all versions of you, the magic happens.
This can save you years of stumbling in the dark.
In case you are not clear yet, my sessions are for courageous people who want to release many layers of pain, confusion or resistance from their past, so they can move forward feeling alive, confident of their abilities and shining their light in their communities.
It’s for you if you want to connect with your inner guru, your true self, and activate all your superpowers, so you can enjoy more ease and comfort, and have less of the striving and dramas.
Are you ready to make the best choice ever?
For additional resources and to find out how to work with me; please check out my websites – Grada Robertson OR Purple House Wellness Centre; here you can to book your diagnostic session online, order supplements, read our past blogs OR to download any of our e-books.
You can connect with me by ringing our clinic on 03 6428 3007 (Tuesday, Wednesday Or Thursday).
Tune in every week on our Grada Robertson Facebook page for “Lives with Grada”
I am looking forward to being with you!
Much love,