Have you ever woken up and you suddenly realized you are not where you want to be in life?
You begin to wonder how on earth you got here?
It’s most likely because you have been ‘driving your car on autopilot”.
Life is so busy and overwhelming that it’s just easier to live on autopilot for a while and letting your circumstance dictate your direction.
But this rarely turns out well for you.
Many of my clients aren’t clear on what they WANT.
Yes, they want to get out of pain, whether it is relationship, money or physical pain.
But they can’t see beyond their current situation, because they are so tired and stressed.
However, I do insist that my clients begin to think about what they want from life once their pain and problems disappear, and they are feeling stronger and more energised.
Because, when they keep working with me, that time will inevitably come.
They will migrate from survival country to prosperity land.
Now, if you are struggling to get clear on what YOU want, there is a different approach that might work for you: “choose your regrets.” for a while.
It might sound counterintuitive at first, but it’s one of the most powerful principles you can embrace.
Every decision in life comes with trade-offs.
If you choose one path, you inevitably close the door to another.
If you grow in one area of your life, you shrink another part of you.
But what if, instead of fearing regret, you become intentional about which regrets you’re willing to live with?
Suddenly, decision-making becomes clearer, and you taking back control of your destiny.
There’s a saying: “Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life, and you will call it fate.”
Many of us unconsciously recreate our lives dictated by patterns from our past, believing WE are the ones making the decisions, because we have free will.
Not true!
Our habitual choices are often rooted deeply in an energy pattern that we picked up from our parents or ancestors, and all of this happens outside our awareness.
We have all been deeply programmed to survive harsh conditions and difficulty.
But we didn’t receive a well-established program to set us up for prosperity and abundance so that means that transformation means work.
You are a work in progress.
Choosing your regrets doesn’t mean you won’t face difficult emotions.
It simply means you’re taking charge of your life by consciously deciding which sacrifices are worth making.
- Will you regret not pursuing your dream career, or will you regret leaving the security of your current job?
- Will you regret staying in a relationship that stifles your growth, or will you regret facing the uncertainty of starting over?
- Will you regret putting off starting a family, or will you regret missing out on ‘freedom’ if you have a baby now?
In her book The Top Five Regrets of the Dying: A Life Transformed by the Dearly Departing, Australian palliative care nurse Bronnie Ware, highlights 5 common regrets.
Regret 1 – “I wish I had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life others expected of me.”
Many people realize too late that they lived according to societal or family expectations rather than pursuing their true passions and dreams.
Regret 2 – “I wish I hadn’t worked so hard.”
This was a frequent regret, especially among men.
They often missed out on their children’s youth and their partner’s companionship because of overwork.
Regret 3 – “I wish I had the courage to express my feelings.”
Suppressing emotions to avoid conflict or discomfort led to resentment and unfulfilled relationships for many people.
Regret 4 – “I wish I had stayed in touch with my friends.”
As life got busy, meaningful friendships were neglected, leaving people with feelings of loneliness and regret for lost connections.
Regret 5 – “I wish I had let myself be happier.”
People often realized too late that happiness is a choice.
They stayed stuck in familiar patterns or fears, rather than embracing change and joy.
Which regret resonates with you the most?
Now that you know the regrets you’re most likely to face at the end of life, you can use them as a compass.
When you consciously choose your regrets, you are no longer at the mercy of life’s whims.
You stop letting life happen to you.
You stop drifting all over the road and you start steering in the right direction.
Perhaps you are saying: but Grada, I have tried so hard to get a grip, I am doing my morning routine, eating healthy and thinking positive thoughts …. but the Law of Attraction doesn’t work for me like it works for everyone else!
I get it!
I used to despair at my own lack of results even though I was 100% committed to show up as the best version of me.
When I became a professional healer in 1999, I saw my own life mirrored in my clients.
I realized that while we are full of hidden traumas, we can’t prosper.
We are always keeping our desired results at bay.
They get pushed out to a future time.
Do you know why?
Because trauma energy is reactive and creates drama, not prosperity.
No matter how much you want to live from intention, you will attract hardship.
I know.
I even wrote three drama filled books about my life, that will keep you riveted on the edge of your chair!
I didn’t want those dramas.
Every December, I asked for a dull and boring new year (I was too humble to ask for peace and prosperity) only to be slapped around the face with another 12 months of high drama.
The energy of drama is rooted in unresolved trauma.
We repeat the traumas we experienced from conception to age 8 in cycles over and over again, until we say: “NO MORE. I now choose happiness and prosperity, and I am going to do whatever it takes”
In today’s world this usually means you must spend some money on yourself.
It doesn’t really require you to go into a ravine in the desert by yourself to face your monsters or do psychedelics or drown yourself in a bucket of cold water.
There are all practices based on initiation rites from the past.
Today, a more sensitive, compassionate laser focused approach is required.
One that makes you feel safe, understood and validated.
I had to learn how to do this after being hit by a truck.
To speed up my recovery, I sought help from the world’s most respected leaders in energy medicine and mindset medicine.
This was before Zoom, so I invested thousands of dollars in traveling and attending classes, workshops and private sessions.
Every year, I spent at least $20000.
I missed out on ‘holidays’ or driving a good car, and invested in myself instead.
Spending that much money initially broke all my subconscious barriers I had towards making myself the priority.
Pete and I used to bicker about the fortune I spent on my personal evolution, but I didn’t budge.
Instead of agreeing with Pete, I used to spent double the amount and enrol him too!
Today, I am so glad we always worked together.
In the end, it doesn’t matter how much you fight and squabble, or how much it cost you, these are all symptoms of growing pains.
If you are not growing, you are dying.
In this universe of ours, there are only two types of energy: the energy of expansion and the energy of contraction.
If you are not growing, you are shrinking.
Looking back over the years, you will never regret the years of growing pains.
But you will regret the times that you stopped believing or investing in yourself.
Remember, regret isn’t the enemy.
Indifference to your own plight is.
So choose your regrets wisely and create a life that feels true, that fuels you and makes you feel happy inside your own skin.
After working with 10000’s clients, I can truly say that the clients who commit to their growth—who actively choose to live an inspired life—experience extraordinary transformations.
Some of my long-term clients who receive monthly sessions now stand out in incredible ways
They’ve become (multi)millionaires with thriving businesses.
They’re enjoying deeply fulfilling relationships.
They’ve overcome infertility
Some homeschool their children and have never looked back.
They radiate peace, calm, and unshakable confidence because they’re deeply connected to their intuition.
Others have overcome difficult health challenges and now feel good inside their bodies.
They bounce back from challenges in quick time because they are resilient to stress.
Come to think about it, I have two types of clients:
1) The crash and burn clients.
These clients book an appointment with me when they are in pain, their money is about to run out, or they are stuck somewhere.
They feel immediate relief and benefit from the session, which is mirrored in their bank balance and their circumstances.
Back 20 years ago, most of my client were in this league.
Over the years, I have seen generations come and go and suddenly, a new generation of clients appeared. They are:
2) The clients who crave consistent growth and results.
They are dedicated to their personal and spiritual journey and they come once a fortnight or once a month.
Perhaps they started off with pain and problems, and after a few sessions, these symptoms disappeared, and they began to live from a clean slate.
They experience consistent inner peace and calm.
They are less triggered and more confident.
Their career takes off, their businesses run smoother, and they become addicted to the new version of themselves.
So they keep investing in monthly sessions.
Every session, their own body/mind has prepared a new topic for us to uncover and deal with.
This interaction with the Real Self gives meaning and fulfilment to life.
These clients are now so intuitive (connected to their inner tutor) that they have become people magnets.
People will approach them for help and advice.
Their sphere of positive influence keeps growing, in alignment with their own soul growth.
This transformation can happen at any age.
You are never too old, because your soul is timeless.
Which path will you choose?
If you’re ready to take charge of your life, I’m here to help.
I have two powerful options to get you started:
The 8-Week Breakthrough to Success Program
This transformational program is designed to help you release psychic energy blocks and unlock greater freedom, prosperity, and health.
Following a proven 8 step system, we identify the blind spots holding you back and equip you with the tools to step into your power.
This approach is particularly helpful if you want to change your career, start a business, or need a big breakthrough in your relationship.
Fortnightly or Monthly Tune-Up Sessions.
Commit to ongoing alignment with monthly Grada sessions.
These are more than just appointments—they’re opportunities to deeply connect with your intuition, recalibrate your energy, and stay on track with your goals.
My long-term clients swear by this approach, and the results speak for themselves.
A much bigger life is waiting for you—are you ready to crack the code to prosperity, peace and happiness?
Remember, when you take the first step, the Universe takes a thousand steps towards you!
What are you waiting for?
Let me be your guide.
You can also call us on 03 6428 3007 (Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday) or visit our websites Grada Robertson or Purple House Wellness Centre.
Grada Robertson
Master Healer | Mindset Coach | Intuitive Mentor
Purple House Wellness Centre