Why do poor people stay poor and rich people stay rich?
Have you ever asked yourself this question?
Why is it so easy for some to be wealthy, and others remain in struggle street all their lives?
The same goes for your health.
Why do some people survive and others die from the same circumstances?
Before I unpack this topic, I want you to look at your life and see where YOU are struggling.
Are you struggling with:
- Self-worth?
- Or, weight loss?
- Or, is it your love life?
- Or, your finances?
The truth is that wherever you are struggling, there is inevitably a program in your subconscious mind that does not support your end goal.
You want to get healthy, but your subconscious mind keeps you sick, poor, or lonely, and it is outside of your awareness because subconscious means it is below your consciousness.
The first seven years of our lives determine how we will end up living our lives.
The brain of a child under seven is in a lower vibrational frequency and consciousness.
It’s called theta.
Theta is imagination.
That’s the reason they play all day long, but to them it is real.
All-day long, you copy your parents’ behaviours, decisions, and rules.
There is no filter.
The same happened to your parents.
Centuries’ worth of rules, belief systems, behaviours, and unconscious programming get downloaded into the child’s subconscious mind.
You start to believe that life is hard, you will never be any good at this, money doesn’t grow on trees, you can’t be lucky in love and money, who do you think you are?
That life is meant to be a struggle.
It wasn’t easy for your parents, and you are no different. etc etc.
All the events in your life flow from your subconscious programming, and once you realize that the subconscious mind is 99% of you, and is all-powerful, you understand the reason why you have struggled to get results.
Only 1% of your mind is conscious, and this is your creative mind.
We can enlist the help of your conscious mind, to change the programming of your childhood, so you can create the life of your dreams.
In the video above, I explain how to train the subconscious mind, and how to get it on your side, so you can be happier, healthier, and wealthier with less effort!
I am super excited to offer you the opportunity to come on an 8-week personal breakthrough journey with me.
This 8-week Journey of One on one-on-one private coaching with me will help you remove some of the biggest obstacles in your life, to give you rapid results.
Positive results happen so fast that you can hardly keep up with the transformations.
Even the most stubborn blocks will shift.
This coaching is different from my normal private sessions.
Achieving success and abundance in every aspect of your life is within your reach with my proven 8-Step Breakthrough System.
Whether you’re aiming for better health, increased wealth, or heightened happiness, this system serves as a pivotal turning point.
If this sounds like fun to you (trust me, it IS) …..
I have taken off the mask to reveal the authentic me. I now have a voice!
Before I met Grada for coaching I was feeling so tired, juggling a busy lifestyle, wearing many hats (I have a successful business) and trying to always be a great support to my loved ones. My battery was flat, I had lost my “mojo”. I lacked self confidence and always doubted myself.
Grada’s coaching helped me to open up my heart fully again. I learnt to love myself with all of my heart. I understand now how to love and accept all aspects of who I am – the light and also the dark. As confronting as this was, I worked through these emotions to release distorted childhood memory that I was still living as my reality in adult life now. Working with my inner child helped me greatly in healing and nurturing emotions I experienced as a child. By reflecting on my story, I could collate all the jigsaw pieces together to form the puzzle of my life.
I realised that I held onto so much sadness deep within me that had been there a very long time – possibly ingrained in my DNA. And I, also, realized that my reality was in fact a reflection of everything within me – the positive and the negative.
I’d been living inside my incessant monkey mind head bubble and learned how to quickly move into my quieter core within myself. This has helped me cope much better with the outside stresses of daily life – to remain in my state of peace instead of trying to pull the monkey off everyone elses back. I now put myself first! A huge breakthrough and so empowering. I now express deep compassion not only for others but also for myself. My husband told me recently that I seem more assertive and he is delighted to witness my confidence and assertiveness. I have taken off the mask to reveal the authentic me. I now have a voice! Moving forward, I have set my goals high and paved the way with shoulders held back, love in my heart, and volume in my words.
I have so very much enjoyed the company of other women – the sharing of experiences and stories that have resonated within my own heart. Lessons learnt from others. Grada is a wonderful teacher – her passion comes through – often revealing the raw truth of our emotions. The truth was confronting for me but cut through the barriers to deep healing. My purpose is totally clear now … to love and be loved – unconditionally. And guess what… I have my mojo back!!!