Are you tired of what you have been doing, feeling as if there is very little left in your ‘love’ tanks?
And you get triggered easier than before….
Today, I want to talk about what makes us react, and how you snap out of it quicker and easier.
When was the last time you had a reaction that was negative, triggered, sad or angry?
The thing is that we are going to get triggered…It’s part and parcel of being human.
You would strip yourself of your humanity if you stopped reacting to circumstances.
So the aim of the game isn’t to NOT react, and it’s NOT to be positive all the time,
The trick is to see how quickly you can find your way back to yourself.
Like going to the gym, we need to practice things (self-care things) that will condition our connection to our Inner Being, so we can return to a peaceful happy calm state easier and quicker as time goes on.
What have you been doing for your self-care lately?
- Time alone?
- Healthy eating?
- Drinking plenty of filtered water?
- Going for a walk?
- A healing session?
- Meditate, read a good book, listen to a podcast, or simply rest and just BE?
If you want to become a calmer, more joyful version of yourself these activities are non-negotiable.
They are a priority.
All these activities are geared toward slowing down our monkey mind.
The monkey mind (analytical educated mind) is usually fixated on everything that is wrong, or what could go wrong, or something you have done wrong.
That is its job.
The name of the game is to change your focus away from your monkey mind and turn your attention into your inner core, where your true Essence resides and drop into the stillness of your real self.
Watch the video below, where I lead you into a short experience of dropping the stress inside your body and stepping into the centre of your Inner Being.
Nothing else is more important right now!
Call my team on 03 64283007 to book a session with me OR check out your options by clicking here to visit my website.
Much love,