October 20


Break Free from “stuckness”…

By Grada Robertson

October 20, 2023

Are you in a holding pattern of stress and overwhelm?

Perhaps feeling pulled in all directions, being everything to everyone?

Are, you sometimes feeling lonely and isolated, even though you have friends and a ‘good life’ ?

Perhaps, you are a smart, conscious, powerful woman, but you find yourself in patterns of over giving and being undervalued ?

You might have a desire to feel radiant, alive, confident and at home in your body…

And you are blaming yourself that your ‘worklife balance’ is all up the creek ?

Today, I am excited to offer you a breakthrough.

A fundamental shift from ‘lack’ (time, money, energy) to wealth.

I would like you to take a minute to think about what true wealth means to you…..

Personally, to me ‘wealth’ means good health and freedom.

Wealth gives you choices.

Wealth offers you control over your life….

What I see today is that women rarely get to experience this…

Even women who have done a lot of personal growth often feel stuck and confused….

In fact millions of women feel stuck, because the masculine system of power is good for accomplishing goals, but sorely lacking when it comes to fulfilling our hearts deepest yearnings.

So, if you are a woman and reading this, you might be proud of what you have accomplished, but perhaps you feel inwardly lonely and disconnected…

And, there is a reason for this.

Unless you make the underlying shift to begin creating from the feminine system, rather than from the masculine paradigm of power, you will find it hard to step into a larger life.

My research shows that many gifted, intelligent, caring conscious women have a yearning to fulfill their destiny,…

And, to create prosperity, health and freedom that is aligned with their feminine soul.

But they get stuck

They have hidden power blocks, and they don’t know how to release them.

The good news is, that you can change all that!

First, I want you to know that there is a part of you that is way more powerful than you could ever dream of.

This part of you has deep wisdom, perspective and the power to break you free.

My new program ‘Discover Your Feminine Fortune’ offers you a step by step plan, that will guide you to that power, so you can begin to work with it and transform your life.

You will start to cultivate an exceptional life from the inside out.

Now, why would you trust me to be your ‘guide’ in this process of unlocking your inner power and potential?

What you may not know is that I came face to face with this power after being hit by a truck and left with catastrophic injuries.

This innate power showed up immediately and began to instruct me what to do to stay alive.

It continued to instruct me all during my miraculous recovery.

It’s the same force of Infinite intelligence that guides me when I work with my clients.

During the Discover Your Feminine Fortune program, I will show you how to access this power through the different power portals that organise your life.

The transformation from struggle to ease, from surviving to thriving will be fun and easy.

In the “Discover Your Feminine Fortune 8-Week Program,” you’ll learn how to:

  • Activate your life force so you get instant energy and inspiration.
  • Shift from surviving to thriving mode.
  • Become authentically confident, visible, and comfortable in your body as a woman.
  • Attract your soulmate or transform your present relationship.
  • Release blocks contributing to chronic health challenges like depression, anxiety, fatigue, and weight issues.
  • Release deep seated money blocks.
  • Connect deeply with your Intuition. Your Intuition is short for Inner Tutor, and your inner tutor will never leave your side again once you begin to trust in yourself.

This program is all about transformation, empowerment, and fulfillment.

To get started on your journey to feminine power and transformation, I am offering a FREE eBook –

Make sure to get your copy and start your transformation journey today.

Over the 8 weeks of this program, participants will engage in group coaching sessions every Tuesday night from 7 pm onwards.

Recordings will be available for you to keep.

Each week will focus on a different aspect of your transformation journey.

You’ll get personalized guidance, practical tools, laser coaching, an energetic upgrade from me, and you get to enjoy the support of a community of like-minded women.

There has never been a better time to activate your feminine power and step into your larger destiny!

With so much global upheaval, the world is in desperate need of empowered, impassioned women living with inner peace and outer purpose.

You are directly shaping the future of humanity.

Your destiny awaits, and I am here to support you every step of the way.

Don’t miss out on this chance to discover your feminine fortune.

Download the free e-Book, click here to check out the program details and take the first step towards a brighter future.

Take action today – call us on 03 6428 3007, (Tuesday, Wednesday Or Thursday); alternatively, you can also, go online though our websites – Purple House Wellness Centre and Grada Robertson.

Tune in every Tuesday on our Grada Robertson Facebook page for “Tuesday’s Talk with Grada” at 1:45 PM.

I can’t wait to be your guide!

Grada Robertson

About the author

Grada Robertson is the author of ‘You Are The Miracle! How Being Hit By A Truck Saved My Life’ which has inspired many women to step into their personal power.
Grada loves working with conscious, creative female entrepreneurs who want to make great money on their terms.
"My core purpose is to accelerate spiritual awareness and raise global consciousness."

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I invite you to work with me to discover a whole new way of making money.
